OOPS! I must confess...I didn't meet my goals this week...
(I didn't journal every.single.day)
Ahhhhh...but...but..I had set myself up for success!
I looked at what stopped me...
and then I put into place a bunch of things that would help me to be successful....
So what happened?
Life happened.
This is why when I tell my workshop participants to be gentle with themselves. They NEED to be gentle with themselves.
We all make this wonderful goals and we work so hard to make sure that we give them the attention that they need.
Life happens.
So, I missed a day (or 2) so does that mean that I should pack it in?
Does it make me a failure?
Answer: no.
Ok - so for a 30 day challenge I was not able to write in my journal every day so far, but it being the 13th of the month I am so excited about how often I HAVE written in my journal already. This is way more already than last year...(to be fair I had just finished my firs manuscript).
I currently write in 4 to 5 journals for different reasons and I managed to write in my children's journals for the firs time this year. (solid success)
So I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish.
With this writing I have been READING again!
Reading so many books and loving it.
So between my (near) daily journal writing and reading I have to say that 2019 has been going very well.
I won't sit back and feel bad about what I have missed...instead I will plod on and be proud of all I have gained.
How have you been doing??
-- SR MacMillan